Monday, November 28, 2011

Countdown to Christmas: Sandylion (part 2 of 2)

Reason number two why Sandylion made the cutest Christmas stickers: their activity sticker sets. I know you remember "dress a bear." They made about a jillion other sticker sets like it, including an array of Christmas designs, each one as cute as the next. A sampling:

Yes, I *will* adorn a Christmas unicorn, thank you very much.

Even I could not leave this one in pristine condition. Look at the dog in the window!

A detail from "On Christmas Eve Would you Believe the Forest Gave a Party?"

Dying from the cuteness.

I am not even showing you all of them. There is also Dress Santa for Christmas, Design a Wreath, and Create an Ornament. (Or maybe it was Create a Wreath and Design an Ornament.)

Remember the frolicking sheep?
They go, more or less, with these guys.

Wait for it...

Yes, they did. Happy Cyber Monday!

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